Sunday, May 25, 2014


Ngày 26 tháng 5 năm 2011.
Học sinh khối lớp 3 trường tiểu học Trung Nhất đi tham quan Dinh Độc Lập và Đầm Sen

Hình ảnh kỷ niệm - lớp 3/7 do thầy Hồng chủ nhiệm


Thứ năm ngày 27 tháng 12 năm 2013 Chí Công và Tú Anh cùng các bạn khối lớp 5 trường tiểu học TN đi tham quan Củ Chi - 
Một số hình ảnh Lớp 5/8 Thầy Quá chủ nhiệm.

Các bạn đang tập trung chuẩn bị xuất phát

Saturday, May 24, 2014




Dynamics of Type 1: Reformer

World View: The world is an imperfect place. I work toward improvement.
Basic Desire: to be right
Basic Fear: of being condemned


Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to be right -> seek truth -> do the right thing -> Need to be right
In the healthy state, the need to be right induces Type Ones to seek truth and do the right thing. When Ones are doing the right thing, the need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Ones' are not working hard to seek the truth and do the right thing, the need to be right increases, which helps Ones to again work hard to seek the truth. Thus the balancing loop can help Ones to recover. 
Unhealthy loop  controlled by Basic Fear:
Fear of being condemned -> correct others -> do the right thing -> Fear of being condemned
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being condemned can cause Type Ones to correct and condemn others first as a defense, which is often not the right thing to do, which further increases Ones' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Ones can refrain from correcting others and start examining self for truth, which will help Ones to do the right thing, and reduce the fear of being condemned. 
 Diagram notations

Dynamics of Type 2: Helper

World View: People depend on my help. I am needed.
Basic Desire: to be loved
Basic Fear: of being unloved
Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to be loved -> help others -> loved -> Need to be loved
In the healthy state, the need to be loved induces Type Twos to help others which causes them to be loved. When Twos feel loved, the need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Twos' are not helping others and are not loved, the need to be loved increases, which helps Twos to again reach out and help others. Thus the balancing loop can help Twos to recover. 

Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:

Fear of being unloved -> resent and manipulate others -> loved -> Fear of being unloved
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being unloved can cause Type Twos to feel resentful and try to manipulate others into loving them. This can cause people to love them even less, which further increases Twos' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Twos can refrain from manipulating others but start to genuinely help others. This will cause Twos to be loved, and thus reduce the fear of being unloved. 
 Diagram notations


Dynamics of Type 3: Motivator

World View: The world values a champion. Avoid failure at all costs.
Basic Desire: to be admired
Basic Fear: of being rejected

Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to be admired -> self-improvement -> admired -> Need to be admired
In the healthy state, the need to be admired induces Type Threes to work hard to improve themselves and succeed, which often cause others around them to admire them. When Threes feel admired, the need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Threes' are not working hard to improve themselves, others admire them less, which increases Threes' need to be admired. Thus this helps Threes to again work hard to improve themselves. Thus the balancing loop can help Threes to recover. 

Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:

Fear of being rejected -> compete -> admired -> Fear of being rejected
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being rejected can cause Type Threes to be competitive and hostile towards others as a defense, which makes them even less admirable, and further increases Threes' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Threes can refrain from being competitive but focus on self-improvement instead. This will lead to genuine admiration from others and lessen the fear of rejection.
Diagram notations


Dynamics of Type 4: Romantic

World View: Something's missing. Others have it. I'm different from them because I don't.
Basic Desire: to understand self
Basic Fear: of being defective
Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:
Need for self-understanding -> examine self -> understand themselves -> Need for self-understanding
In the healthy state, the need for self-understanding induces Type Fours to allow their emotions to surface and examine these emotions in order to understand themselves. When Fours achieve self-understanding, their need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Fours' do not examine closely their emotions, they start to not understand themselves. This increases the need for self-understanding, which helps Fours to again examine themselves. Thus the balancing loop can help Fours to recover. 
Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:
Fear of being defective -> indulge in fantasy -> understand themselves -> Fear of being defective
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being defective can cause Type Fours to ignore their true selves, allow their emotions to overwhelm them, and indulge in wild fantasy about themselves. This means they will understand themselves even less, and further increases Fours' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 
We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Fours can refrain from indulging in fantasy and start examining themselves. This will help Fours to understand themselves, and reduce the fear of being defective.
Diagram notations


Dynamics of Type 5: Thinker

World View: The world is invasive and confusing. I need privacy to think.
Basic Desire: to understand the world
Basic Fear: of being overwhelmed by the world

Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to understand the world -> observe -> analyze -> understand the world -> Need to understand the world
In the healthy state, the need to understand the world induces Type Fives to observe and analyze the world, which help them to better understand the world. When Fives reach a good understanding of the world around them, their need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Fives' do less of observing and analyzing the world, they start to not understand the world. This increases their need to understand the world, which helps Fives to return to more observation and analysis. Thus the balancing loop can help Fives to recover. 

Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:

Fear of being overwhelmed by the world -> detach from the world -> understand the world -> Fear of being overwhelmed by the world
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being overwhelmed by the world can cause Type Fives to become detached from the people around them and the world around them as a defense. This unfortunately causes them to understand the world even less, which further increases Fives' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Fives can stop their detachment from the world, and start to observe and analyze the real world more. This will increase their understanding of the world, and reduce their fear of being overwhelmed by the world
Diagram notations


Dynamics of Type 6: Skeptic

World View: The world is a threatening place. I need to look to authority, but I question it.
Basic Desire: to be secure
Basic Fear: of being abandoned

Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to be secure -> loyal -> security -> Need to be secure
In the healthy state, the need to be secure induces Type Sixes to be loyal to others, especially the authority. This increases their security among others, which satisfies their need and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Sixes' are not not being so loyal to others, they start to feel insecure among others. This increases the need to be secure, which helps Sixes to again seek out authority and become loyal to it, or become more loyal to others around them. Thus the balancing loop can help Sixes to recover. 

Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:

Fear of being abandoned -> distrust others -> security -> Fear of being abandoned
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being abandoned can cause Type Sixes to become suspicious of others and start to distrust others. This reduces their sense of security, which further increases Sixes' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Sixes can refrain from distrusting others, and begin to be more loyal to others. This will make them feel more secure, thus reduce their fear of being abandoned.

 Diagram notations

Dynamics of Type 7: Enthusiast  
World View: The world is full of opportunity and options. I look forward to the future.
Basic Desire:
to be happy
Basic Fear:
of being deprived
Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to be happy -> explore and appreciate world -> happy -> Need to be happy

In the healthy state, the need to be happy induces Type Sevens to explore the world and genuinely appreciate what they find. They derive great happiness as a result, thus their need is satisfied and a balance is reached.

In the average state, when Sevens' are not exploring and appreciating the world, they become restless and unhappy. The the need to be happy increases, which helps Sevens to again reach out to the world and find things to appreciate. Thus the balancing loop can help Sevens to recover. 

Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:

Fear of being being deprived -> numbly seek sensations -> happy -> Fear of being being deprived

In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being being deprived can cause Type Sevens to numbly seek new and different sensations and adventures without truly appreciating the experience. This means they will derive little happiness from all the highs, which further increases Sevens' feeling of emptiness and basic fear of being deprived. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Sevens can refrain from jumping into the next project, and appreciate more what they experience. This will cause them to be more happy, and thus reduce their fear of being being deprived.


Diagram notations

Dynamics of Type 8: Leader

World View: The world is an unjust place. I am strong and I defend the innocent.
Basic Desire: to be self-reliant
Basic Fear: of submitting to others

Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:
Need to be self-reliant -> strength -> independent -> Need to be self-reliant
In the healthy state, the need to be self-reliant induces Type Eights to become stronger and capable of defending others. When Eights are independent, their need is satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Eights' are not building their strength as much, they will become more dependent on others for certain needs. This increases the need to be self-reliant, which helps Eights to again work hard to become strong. Thus the balancing loop can help Eights to recover. 
Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:
Fear of submitting to others -> controlling -> independent -> Fear of submitting to others
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of submitting to others can cause Type Eights to lash out and try to control others as a defense. This unfortunately make them ironically more dependent on others, which further increases Eights' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 
We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Eights can refrain from controlling others but start to strengthen themselves instead. This will naturally make them more independent and thus reduce the fear of submitting to others.
 Diagram notations

Dynamics of Type 9: Peacemaker

World View: My efforts won't matter to the world. It's best to keep the peace.
Basic Desire: to find union and peace
Basic Fear: of separation

Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire:

Need to find union -> accept others -> do the right thing -> Need to find union
In the healthy state, the need to find union induces Type Nines to genuinely open up to others and accept them as they are. Others often find their acceptance welcoming and build up a strong bond or union. This way, Nines' need are satisfied and a balance is reached.
In the average state, when Nines' are less accepting of others or the world, which means the union begins to weaken. This causes the the need to find union to increase, which helps Nines to again become more accepting of others. Thus the balancing loop can help Nines to recover. 

Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear:

Fear of separation -> illusions of union -> accommodating -> union -> Fear of separation
In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of separation can cause Type Nines to delude themselves with illusions of union, which they sustain by ignoring reality and blindly accommodating others or the world. Unfortunately, this means they won't achieve true union, which further increases Nines' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. 


We can see from the diagram that a way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Nines can stop indulging in illusions of union, and start to really accept others. This will build real union, and reduce the fear of separation.
  Diagram notations

